How To Stay Safe From Stinging Pests This Summer

How To Stay Safe From Stinging Pests This Summer

It’s that time of year again when our backyard cookouts, pool time, and other summer fun are all threatened by stinging pests. So we’re here to help you get a good idea of how to keep yourself safe, especially in case of a major invasion.

How To Keep Stinging Pests Away From Your Backyard Barbecue

How To Keep Stinging Pests Away From Your Backyard Barbecue

Let’s say you’re tired of staying inside and go to your backyard to do some grilling. Maybe you invite a few friends or neighbors over, and everyone is maintaining safe social distances. You’ve got your meat and veggies sizzling, a few beers or other tasty beverage opened, and people seem to be having a good time.

Are You Ready For Murder Hornets?

Are You Ready For Murder Hornets?

As if mosquitos, bees, and other stinging pests weren’t enough, we now have Murder Hornets to contend with. It sounds like the title of a 50s B-movie horror film, doesn’t it?