How To Stay Safe From Stinging Pests This Summer

How To Stay Safe From Stinging Pests This Summer

It’s that time of year again when our backyard cookouts, pool time, and other summer fun are all threatened by stinging pests. So we’re here to help you get a good idea of how to keep yourself safe, especially in case of a major invasion.

When Stinging Pests Are Actually Helpful

When Stinging Pests Are Actually Helpful

It’s summertime and the bees are buzzing! Now, when most of us see bees or any of their stinging brethren, we instantly think, “Run away!” And if you are near a nest, that’s the right reaction to have, especially if you’re allergic.

Pest that Sting

Pest that Sting

Nobody likes being stung by an insect. In most cases, a sting causes localized pain, swelling and itching. A few individuals will go into anaphylactic shock as a result of a sting, a life-threatening reaction that requires immediate medical aid. Types of Stinging...