Springtime Is Tick Time. Learn How to Protect Yourself.

Springtime Is Tick Time. Learn How to Protect Yourself.

Of all the insects to become active in Spring, few are as dangerous as ticks. Ticks are mostly known for carrying and transmitting Lyme disease, though they actually can infect humans and pets with several different, debilitating diseases.

What To Do If You’re Bitten By A Spider

What To Do If You’re Bitten By A Spider

We recently talked about all the different types of spiders you might encounter in Maryland. Luckily, most of them are relatively harmless. Most spider bites cause minor bruising or swelling. But not all of them! Some spider bites may require immediate medical attention—as in a trip to the emergency room!

3 Ants That Want To Invade Your Home And How To Stop Them

3 Ants That Want To Invade Your Home And How To Stop Them

Ants are one of the more prevalent and hard to get rid of pests you might encounter in your yard or home. Surprisingly, there are a wide variety of ants that inhabit Maryland, some of which are relatively harmless and some of which can do significant damage to your home or even hurt you.

Four Insects You Can Expect To See This Spring

Four Insects You Can Expect To See This Spring

Spring is right around the corner and that means one thing (at least in terms of pest control): A lot more insects! As the weather gets warmer, insects start to lay eggs, which then hatch their larva. And of course, those larva need food (it’s the cycle of life, after all). That could be trees or bushes, but it could also be your home.

What To Do If You Have Bed Bugs

What To Do If You Have Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are the scourge of hotels and homeowners alike, as they’re often extremely difficult to get rid of. They’re small pests that live off the blood of humans and animals, and they can cause itching and rashes. They can also transmit parasites that can cause the deadly Chagas disease, which kills about 50,000 people per year globally. And while they’re usually found in mattresses, if left unchecked, bed bug populations can spread to other parts of the house.