by Eco Care | Jun 15, 2022
Let’s say you’re tired of staying inside and go to your backyard to do some grilling. Maybe you invite a few friends or neighbors over, and everyone is maintaining safe social distances. You’ve got your meat and veggies sizzling, a few beers or other tasty beverage opened, and people seem to be having a good time.
by Eco Care | May 12, 2016
A Q&A on Eastern Yellow Jackets Ah, the sun is out, the air is warm and you’re gearing up for a summer BBQ. Everything’s perfect—Until you stumble upon a swarm of yellow jackets. More specifically, you’ve probably found your little slice of heaven is infested with...
by Eco Care | Mar 31, 2015
Short-Term Nuisance. Learn How To Spot Them And Keep Them At Bay. Although average high temperatures in Maryland can be 10 degrees lower in Oakland than in Columbia, the state enjoys a humid, subtropical climate, and in the summer this means one thing: pests. The fact...