The autumn season is here, so it’s time for warmer clothes, trendy apple and pumpkin dishes, and moths. As the temperature drops, these pests will seek warmth and food, and your wool sweaters, cashmere clothes, and furs can provide both. But by following these simple points, you can protect your clothes and potentially save yourself from expensive damage.

Cleanliness Is Next To Mothlessness

The best way to protect yourself from moths is to clean your vulnerable clothes regularly. When you take your winter clothes out of storage, wash them all in hot water, and give everything another cleaning before you return them. If you have clothes that can’t be laundered, have them dry cleaned. If you’re looking to save on water, there is an alternative, although it’s a bit slower: Put your clothes in the freezer (Be sure to keep them below 0°F!) for two or three days, and the eggs and larvae will freeze right off.

And while wool & silk clothes are the most favorite target for moth munchies, they aren’t the only ones. Any items made of wool, such as carpets, draperies, tapestries, & upholstered furniture can also fall victim to moth larvae. Be sure to vacuum your carpets and furniture and regularly clean/inspect any wool items. The cleaner an item, the less likely a moth will dig in.

Lay Down Some Traps

If you suspect moths are in your home, pheromone-based sticky traps are an easy and inexpensive way to monitor for them. Moth traps give off a female moth pheromone undetectable to humans, so they don’t leave the lingering odor of mothballs as they lure moths onto sticky paper. However, these traps only attract adult male moths but can disrupt mating patterns.

An Ounce Of Prevention

The best time to take measures against moth infestations is early. Even before the fall season starts, you can take steps to protect your home. While your warm clothes are in storage, keep them in a secure, airtight container if possible. Keep the storage area cool and dry – moths thrive in warmth and humidity. Areas susceptible to changes in the temperature outside, such as your basement, garage, or attic, usually make poor storage spaces for clothes.

Call in the Pros

Of course, if moths are taking over your house, it’s time to call in a professional. We’re happy to come take a look and recommend a course of action and treatment that safely manages the moths.